(work against the mainstream)


(16h) – Galaxies are formed from union of stars, not in inverse form like say actual theories. A building is made from base to roof and not in inverse form. A galaxy is a union of stars, and not inverse relation.

Actual mainstream theories by Big Bang theory say against this that first are galaxies and later stars.

These ideas (Big Bang and expansion of the universe theories) are creationists, more near of religion that from science. It’s clear that these actual theories has none proof.

If any is not created and not grow only can to be always existed.

Soon discredit for all scientist by their impossibles, belief, sectarian.

See my webpage: 16h

This and more in my page : http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/bighypo-html/ and http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/


Tags: universe, big bang, expansion, creation, creationism, galaxies, stars, galaxy.


Author: Luis Biarge Baldellou

Copyright ©2011 Luis Biarge Baldellou – You can copy all or part of this work giving this web page direction.


You can try to proof that this I say is false.