(work against the mainstream)

This is near my actual principal work : the universe does not expand.

The universe against actual mainstream cannot expand, really is not compressed by that would be creation (creationism), also Big Bang theory is impossible.

Both theories are only theories (without 1 proof, a theory with 1 proof is not a theory). I have proofs against theirs in my page http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/

My work is all according to physic laws, according to facts, without theories and also without magic. All actual mainstream according to Big Bang and expansion of the universe theories is only impossible.

Real work is near to perspective (visual expansion like visual size of perspective) and not according to impossibles.

All in my web : http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/


Tags: Big Bang, expansion of the universe, impossible, physic laws, theories, theory, perspective.


Author: Luis Biarge Baldellou

Copyright ©2011 Luis Biarge Baldellou – You can copy all or part of this work giving this web page direction.


You can try to proof that this I say is false.