(work against the mainstream)


According to astronomers the universe expand in accelerated form, this acceleration can to be measure and according to this can to be take like a fact. This seem strange, they give this quality to dark energy (never shown, in decreasing with space in a universe in expansion but growing their power). All this is simplement impossible. The solution, easy: light is curved by gravity (proven), we live in a galaxy, this galaxy curve more the light in form that seem a acceleration. How? : the visual acceleration is low but for example an acceleration of 0.001 for a low expansion visual from 1 is 1.001 (this is 1/1000), for a expansion visual of 1000000 is 1000000,001 (this is 1/1000000000). This has the same effect like an acceleration of the expansion.

Curiously this year (2011) the prize nobel in physic is given to their discover. Resulting curious this prize to anything so false. But I’m treating to explain by 2 years.

Actual mainstream theories say that the universe expand (creationism) and that the expansion is accelerating.

Also 2011 physic nobel prizes go to this pseudo – discover. In the form like a person that say that evening show sky red say that in evening the sky is red. Or in the same that a scientist that discover that in the center of a drain the water go quicker.

These ideas (Big Bang and expansion of the universe theories) are creationists, more near of religion that from science. It’s clear that these actual theories has none proof.

If any is not created and not grow only can to be always existed.

Soon discredit for all scientist by their impossibles, belief, sectarian.


This and more in my page : http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/bighypo-html/ and http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/


Tags: universe, big bang, expansion, creation, creationism, galaxies, stars, galaxy, acceleration.


Author: Luis Biarge Baldellou

Copyright ©2011 Luis Biarge Baldellou – You can copy all or part of this work giving this web page direction.


You can try to proof that this I say is false.