(work against the mainstream)

(O12) – Center of galaxy cluster emit x-ray and not visible light, actual theory say that is by hot gass (not show), but: How a near empty space can create many hot? and how is possible that is near black holes that not emit light and emit x-ray?. So the more simple solution is that is near black hole, black hole is by mass effect, then a galaxy more another galaxies (cluster) also make the mass effect and by that a non visible galaxy emit the x-ray in same form that a black hole. It’s not a black hole probably because black hole also emit particles.

See my webpage: O12

This and more in my page :  http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/other-hypotheses/    and http://bigbangno.wordpress.com/


Tags: galaxy, galaxies, cluster, x-ray, gas cloud


Author: Luis Biarge Baldellou

Copyright ©2011 Luis Biarge Baldellou – You can copy all or part of this work giving this web page direction.


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